.NET Core

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Subscriptions

This post is going to continue my exploration of GraphQL using the .NET Boxed template as a jumping off point. The code I am starting with can be found here. Check out GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Mutations from last week for an exploration of mutations.

Subscriptions are GraphQL’s way of allowing a client to request notification of changes to the data.

Starting Point

As discovered a few weeks ago, MainSchema is the central point to finding how GraphQL is set up in this template. For reference here is the full class.

public class MainSchema : Schema
    public MainSchema(
        QueryObject query,
        MutationObject mutation,
        SubscriptionObject subscription,
        IDependencyResolver resolver)
        : base(resolver)
        this.Query = resolver.Resolve<QueryObject>();
        this.Mutation = mutation;
        this.Subscription = subscription;

Today we are interested in the Subscription property which is being assigned a SubscriptionObject.

Subscription Object

The following is the full SubscriptionObject for reference. I will point out a few details after the code.

public class SubscriptionObject : ObjectGraphType<object>
    public SubscriptionObject(IHumanRepository humanRepository)
        this.Name = "Subscription";
        this.Description = "The subscription type, represents all updates can be pushed to the client in real time over web sockets.";

            new EventStreamFieldType()
                Name = "humanCreated",
                Description = "Subscribe to human created events.",
                Arguments = new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument<ListGraphType<StringGraphType>>()
                        Name = "homePlanets",
                Type = typeof(HumanCreatedEvent),
                Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<Human>(context => 
                                  context.Source as Human),
                Subscriber = new EventStreamResolver<Human>(context =>
                    var homePlanets = 
                    return humanRepository
                        .Where(x => homePlanets == null || 

A lot of this is going to look very similar to the other types we have reviewed for queries and mutations. For example, the Type is HumanCreatedEvent which derives from HumanObject which is ObjectGraphType around the Human class.

Type = typeof(HumanCreatedEvent)

One of the hardest things exploring GraphQL is getting a good handle on the object graph. I highly recommend you spend some time in these classes getting the connection solid in your mind.

As another example that should look pretty similar to things we coved in the other post is the Resolver which is dealing with the base Human type.

Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<Human>(context => context.Source as Human)

This next bit is new and deals with the actual notification of GraphQL when the HumanRepository creates a new human. The following code has had the home planet related stuff removed for clarity.

Subscriber = new EventStreamResolver<Human>(context =>
    return humanRepository

What is WhenHumanCreated? Looks like it is an observable provided by theHumanRepository.

public IObservable<Human> WhenHumanCreated => 

Looking at the AddHuman function you will see that this observable is provided a new value everytime a human is created which in turn provides notification to our GraphQL setup to notify any clients that are subscribed that a new human was added.

public Task<Human> AddHuman(Human human, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    human.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
    return Task.FromResult(human);

Wrapping Up

That covers my exploration of subscriptions. For me, this was the coolest part of the things I have seen in GraphQL.

I know this was a bit of a strange series as we just looked at the code generated by a template. I hope you found it useful. I know it helped me get a better grip on the idea behind GraphQL and how it can be handled in .NET Core.

The associated sample code can be found here.

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Subscriptions Read More »

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Mutations

This post is going to continue my exploration of GraphQL using the .NET Boxed template as a jumping off point. The code I am starting with can be found here. Check out GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Queries from last week for an exploration of queries.

Mutations are GraphQL’s way of allowing a client to request changes to the data on the server-side.

Starting Point

As we discovered last week, MainSchema is the central point to finding how GraphQL is set up in this template. Just for reference here is the full class.

public class MainSchema : Schema
    public MainSchema(
        QueryObject query,
        MutationObject mutation,
        SubscriptionObject subscription,
        IDependencyResolver resolver)
        : base(resolver)
        this.Query = resolver.Resolve<QueryObject>();
        this.Mutation = mutation;
        this.Subscription = subscription;

We are interested in the Mutation property which is being assigned a MutationObject.

Mutation Object

The following is the full MutationObject class which defines what mutations are allowed for which objects on this server and what happens when a mutation request is received.

public class MutationObject : ObjectGraphType<object>
    public MutationObject(IHumanRepository humanRepository)
        this.Name = "Mutation";
        this.Description = "The mutation type for updates to our data.";
        this.FieldAsync<HumanObject, Human>(
            "Create a new human.",
            arguments: new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<HumanInputObject>>()
                    Name = "human",
                    Description = "The human you want to create.",
            resolve: context =>
                var human = context.GetArgument<Human>("human");
                return humanRepository.AddHuman(human,

This is very similar to have the QueryObject from last week was set up. The first big difference is in the QueryArguments. The mutation is taking a HumanInputObject class instead of an ID. If you look at the query argument you will also see that this argument isn’t allowed to be null.

new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<HumanInputObject>>()

What is the HumanInputObject class? It is an InputObjectGraphType and defines the shape of what the mutation query argument looks like. As you can see in the following it provides a name, description, and list of fields.

public class HumanInputObject : InputObjectGraphType
    public HumanInputObject()
        this.Name = "HumanInput";
        this.Description = "A humanoid creature from Star Wars.";
        this.Field<ListGraphType<EpisodeEnumeration>>(nameof(Human.AppearsIn), "Which movie they appear in.");

Also, note that the fields are using nameof on the properties of the Human class to make sure the names match which will prevent any problems with the mapping between the 3 different human classes this project is working with. Here is an example of the field definition pulled out from the above sample.


Another thing to make note of is that even at the field level you can set if a field is allowed to be null or not on top of setting the type of the field.

Back over in the MutationObject let’s look at the resolve inside of the FieldAsync call.

resolve: context =>
    var human = context.GetArgument<Human>("human");
    return humanRepository.AddHuman(human, context.CancellationToken);

This is pulling the human query argument and it is being translated into an instance of the Human class and then sent to the repository to be saved.

Wrapping Up

That covers the basic exploration of mutations. I’m thinking about looking at subscriptions.

The associated sample code can be found here.

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Mutations Read More »

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Queries

This post is going to continue my exploration of GraphQL using the .NET Boxed template as a jumping off point. The code I am starting with can be found here. If you want to start at the very basics of getting the .NET Boxed templates installed, check out my ASP.NET Core with GraphQL using .NET Boxed post.

Finding a Thread

As stated in the last post the backing data for the project is in a static class found in the Repositories/Database.cs file. The data is Star Wars themed and consists of two lists of characters one for droid and one for humans which get combined into a list of characters.

Instead of starting with the data and finding where it is used I’m going to approach this from the perspective of the way the application handles requests. For an ASP.NET Core application, this means looking at the Configure function of the Startup class, which is where the HTTP pipeline is configured.

In the Configure function, we find the following two calls related to GraphQL. I dropped the actual setting of options out of both calls.

.UseGraphQLWebSocket<MainSchema>(new GraphQLWebSocketsOptions())
.UseGraphQLHttp<MainSchema>(new GraphQLHttpOptions())

Looks like MainSchema is the thread we needed to follow.


There isn’t a lot of code in the MainSchema class. The following is the full class as it was generated by the template.

public class MainSchema : Schema
    public MainSchema(
        QueryObject query,
        MutationObject mutation,
        SubscriptionObject subscription,
        IDependencyResolver resolver)
        : base(resolver)
        this.Query = resolver.Resolve<QueryObject>();
        this.Mutation = mutation;
        this.Subscription = subscription;

The Schema class that is the base class is provided by the GraphQL for .NET library. Just like any other schema in GraphQL it is used to define the data available to the client and the types of queries that can be used. For now, we are going to stick with following the Query type and leave Mutation and Subscription for future posts.

Query Object

For the template, we are using the schema for queries is located in the QueryObject class. Below is the class but simplified to only include the setup of one entity. For our sample Star Wars data, I am using the human bits and dropping the droids.

public class QueryObject : ObjectGraphType<object>
    public QueryObject(IHumanRepository humanRepository)
        this.Name = "Query";
        this.Description = "The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph.";

        this.FieldAsync<HumanObject, Human>(
            "Get a human by it's unique identifier.",
            arguments: new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument<IdGraphType>()
                    Name = "id",
                    Description = "The unique identifier of the human.",
            resolve: context => humanRepository.GetHuman(
                                    defaultValue: new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")),

The class Constructor needs an instance of a class that is used to access the data for the entity the query is being defined for, in this case, an IHumanRepository.

The key bit in this class is the FieldAsync<HumanObject, Human> call. It is the definition of the query allowed for getting a single human. The first parameter is the name of the query, the second is the query’s description.

Next, are the arguments the query needs to execute.

arguments: new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument<IdGraphType>()
                    Name = "id",
                    Description = "The unique identifier of the human.",

In this example, the query can take a single argument for the ID of the human to be returned. The final bit is how this query should be resolved to the actual backing data.

resolve: context => humanRepository.GetHuman(
                                defaultValue: new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")),

Here the context allows us to pull the parameters passed by the client using the context.GetArgument function call with name, as defined in the argument section, and use them in the call to the humanRepository.

Object Graph Type

The last point I want to touch on is the difference between the two types on the FieldAsync<HumanObject, Human> call. Human is the type the entity used by the data access. HumanObject is Human wrapped in an ObjectGraphType. The following is the full HumanObject class.

public HumanObject(IHumanRepository humanRepository)
    this.Name = "Human";
    this.Description = "A humanoid creature from the Star Wars universe.";
    this.Field(x => x.Id, 
                    type: typeof(IdGraphType))
              .Description("The unique identifier of the human.");
    this.Field(x => x.Name)
              .Description("The name of the human.");
    this.Field(x => x.HomePlanet, nullable: true)
              .Description("The home planet of the human.");
               "Which movie they appear in.");
        "The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none.",
        resolve: context => 

This pattern allows extra metadata to be added to the type being wrapped. You can see this work in the schema area playground that the sample application launches when in development mode.

Wrapping Up

My previous post on GraphQL left me feeling like it was pretty magical. That is true from the client side perspective. From the server side, that magic comes with some complexity. Don’t take that as a judgment on GraphQL it is just one of the aspects that must be considered before selecting a technology. As I get more familiar with the server side of GraphQL I’m sure some of what I am seeing as complexity when just learning will become clear.

The associated sample code can be found here.

GraphQL using .NET Boxed: Queries Read More »

ASP.NET Core with GraphQL using .NET Boxed

GraphQL is something I have been meaning to look into for a while, but haven’t found the time. Muhammad Rehan Saeed recent release of .NET Boxed, which is a rebranding of his ASP.NET Core Boilerplate templates, contains a template for GraphQL. This brought GraphQL back to the front of my mind so this post is going to walk through installing and using .NET Boxed to get a GraphQL project up and running.

Template Installation

As with all templates, installation is very easy using the .NET CLI. Open a command prompt and enter the following command.

dotnet new --install "Boxed.Templates::*"

The * at the end of the command is just making sure the latest version gets installed. After the installation is done you will get a list of all the template you have installed. The two new ones provided by .NET Boxed are highlighted in the screenshot.

Project Creation

For this post, we will be creating a project using the graphql template. Both of the templates provided by .NET Boxed have a lot of optional flags that can be used configure the resulting project. Make sure to run the help command for the template you are using to see if there are any option you want to set. For example, the following command would list all the options for the GraphQL template.

dotnet new graphql --help

Create and navigate to the directory you want the new project to be created in and then run the following command to create the project with the default setting with the exception of turning off HTTPS. Not something you want to turn off for a production application, but it reduces the complexity of the initial exploration.

dotnet new graphql --https-everywhere false

With the project created run the following command from the same directory to open it in Visual Studio Code.

code .

Some Project Notes

The project generation creates a ReadMe.html in the root of the project. Make sure and check it out. It has a list of pre-requisites needed for the project as well as a lot of good information on general good practices.

We aren’t going to dig too far into the project itself in this post, but it is helpful to know where the data lives and what it looks like for when we are trying out some GraphQL queries. The backing data is in a static class found in the Repositories/Database.cs file.

The data is Star Wars themed and consists of two lists of characters one for droid and one for humans which get combined into a list of characters. The following is the Database class for reference.

public static class Database
    static Database()
        Droids = new List<Droid>()
            new Droid()
                Id = new Guid("1ae34c3b-c1a0-4b7b-9375-c5a221d49e68"),
                Name = "R2-D2",
                Friends = new List<Guid>()
                    new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda"),
                    new Guid("c2bbf949-764b-4d4f-bce6-0404211810fa")
                AppearsIn = new List<Episode>() { Episode.NEWHOPE,
                                                  Episode.JEDI, },
                PrimaryFunction = "Astromech"
            new Droid()
                Id = new Guid("c2bbf949-764b-4d4f-bce6-0404211810fa"),
                Name = "C-3PO",
                Friends = new List<Guid>(),
                AppearsIn = new List<Episode>() { Episode.NEWHOPE,
                                                  Episode.JEDI, },
                PrimaryFunction = "Protocol"
        Humans = new List<Human>()
            new Human()
                Id = new Guid("94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda"),
                Name = "Luke Skywalker",
                Friends = new List<Guid>()
                    new Guid("1ae34c3b-c1a0-4b7b-9375-c5a221d49e68"),
                    new Guid("c2bbf949-764b-4d4f-bce6-0404211810fa")
                AppearsIn = new List<Episode>() { Episode.NEWHOPE,
                                                  Episode.JEDI, },
                HomePlanet = "Tatooine"
            new Human()
                Id = new Guid("7f7bf389-2cfb-45f4-b91e-9d95441c1ecc"),
                Name = "Darth Vader",
                Friends = new List<Guid>(),
                AppearsIn = new List<Episode>() { Episode.NEWHOPE,
                                                  Episode.JEDI, },
                HomePlanet = "Tatooine"
        Characters = Droids.AsEnumerable<Character>()

    public static List<Character> Characters { get; }

    public static List<Droid> Droids { get; }

    public static List<Human> Humans { get; }

Try it out

When you run the project in development mode (the default) it will show a GraphQL playground which is made available by GraphQL.NET. It looks like the following.

Box 1 is the area where you enter the query you want to execute against the GraphQL backend. Box 2 is the play button which sends the query to the backend. Finally, box 3 is where the results of the query are displayed.

The following query is asking for ID, Name, and Appears In properties for the human that matches the provided ID.

query getHuman{
  human(id: "94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda")

On our sample data, the query returns the following.

  "data": {
    "human": {
      "id": "94fbd693-2027-4804-bf40-ed427fe76fda",
      "name": "Luke Skywalker",
      "appearsIn": [

Now let’s try creating a new human. Clear the query area and enter the following query.

mutation createHuman($human: HumanInput!) {
  createHuman(human: $human) {

If you tried to run the above it would fail. For this query to work we need to define what $human is. You do this in the Query Variables area which is right below box 1 in the screenshot above. Enter the following and hit the play button.

  "human": {
    "name": "Eric Anderson",
    "homePlanet": "Earth"

This will result in the following. Your ID will be different of course.

  "data": {
    "createHuman": {
      "id": "22297c0e-01b4-4322-8e25-16d455a0c8e2",
      "name": "Eric Anderson"

Wrapping Up

The above information is enough to get started playing with GraphQL with ASP.NET Core. There is a lot more that I want to dig into so look for more posts on these topics. The code can be found here.

ASP.NET Core with GraphQL using .NET Boxed Read More »

Deploying an ASP.NET Core Application to Microsoft Azure

This is the third post in a series on deploying a very simple ASP.NET Core application to the major cloud provides. This post is going to be dealing with setup and deployment to Microsoft Azure.

The following is are the other posts in this series.

Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure (this post)

Sample Application

This is the same as the first post in the series, but am including it in case you missed that post. The sample application that we will be deploying is the basic Razor Pages applications created using the .NET CLI. The following commands are what I used to create the application, create a solution, and add the project to the solution. I ran all these commands in a CloudSample directory.

dotnet new razor
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add CloudSample.csproj

Microsoft Azure

The rest of this post is going to be based on the official Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure documentation. I already have all the Azure related stuff installed and have used it before, so it will be much easier for me to miss a step. If that happens please leave a comment and I will get the post fixed.

Azure Development for Visual Studio

The additional tools need to use Azure from Visual Studio are part of the Visual Studio installer. I’m assuming that Visual Studio is already installed. To add Azure select the Tools > Get Tools and Features menu.

After the installer launches close all instances of Visual Studio. From the list of features select Azure development and click the Modify button to start the installation.

Sign up for Azure

While the tools are installing is a good time to sign up for Azure if you don’t already have an account. You can sign up here. This is one of the parts that doesn’t work well when you already have an account, but the link above should guide you through the process.

Application Publication

Hope back in Visual Studio and open the solution you want to publish. In the Solution Explorer window right-click on the project and select the Publish menu option.

This will show the publish target dialog where you can select what you want to publish to. In this example, we are going to be publishing to an App Service. The details area select Create New option. Then click the Publish button to move to the next screen

The next step collects the information needed to Create an App Service. The first thing to set is the account in the upper right corner of the screen. This could already be set based on how you are logged in to Visual Studio. Next, click the New link next to the Resource Group and enter the name you want to use. Then click the New link next to the Hosting Plan.

In the Hosting Plan dialog, you get options to give the plan a name, pick your hosting location, and the size. For the Size, I recommend starting with the Free option. After all the options are set click OK.

This will return you to the Create App Service dialog where you can click the Create button to deploy the application. After deployment finishes the site will open in your default browser.

Wrapping Up

For me using Azure from Visual Studio is the simplest experience of all the cloud providers I have tried so far. I don’t guess that is surprising since Microsoft controls both products. Forgetting the integration with Visual Studio it seems that Azure App Services, Google App Engine, and Amazon Elastic Beanstalk are all on par with each other.

As always don’t forget to shutdown/delete the associated resources for your test project to avoid changes.

Deploying an ASP.NET Core Application to Microsoft Azure Read More »

Deploying an ASP.NET Core Application to Amazon Web Services

This is the second post in a series on deploying a very simple ASP.NET Core application to the major cloud provides. This post is going to be dealing with setup and deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The following is are the other posts in this series.

Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services (this post)
Microsoft Azure

Sample Application

This is the same as the first post in the series, but am including it in case you missed that post. The sample application that we will be deploying is the basic Razor Pages applications created using the .NET CLI. The following commands are what I used to create the application, create a solution, and add the project to the solution. I ran all these commands in a CloudSample directory.

dotnet new razor
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add CloudSample.csproj

Amazon Web Services

The rest of this post is going to be based on a couple of pieces of documentation from Amazon for the Visual Studio Toolkit and Beanstalk with .NET Core. I will be walking through the whole process but wanted to make sure you had access to the same information this post is based on.

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Amazon provides a Visual Studio extension to aid in interactions with their platform from Visual Studio. To install open the Tools > Extensions and Updates menu. Select Online from the left side of the dialog and then search for AWS and select AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2017.

Click download, close Visual Studio to trigger installation, and restart Visual Studio after the extension’s installation has completed. When you open Visual Studio back up you should see the AWS Getting Started page with has this link to the IAM Users page in the AWS Console. This will land you on the following page where you have to either sign into your account or sign up for a new account.

After you get through the sign-up/in process you will be at the IAM console where we are going to add a new user by clicking the Add user button.

On the next page fill out the User name you want to use and check the Programmatic access check box and then click the Next: Permissions button.

The next page is all about what permissions the user will have which is handled via groups. Since my account doesn’t have any groups I need to create one using the Create group button.

On the Create group form enter the Group name you want to use. Next, use the search box for Policy type to find the policies related to Elastic Beanstalk. I have selected the full access policy for this sample, but if it is more than just a test this would require more research to see if that is the proper policy to use or not. When done click the Create group button.

This will return you to the group page from above. Click the Next: Review button to continue. The next page is just a review of the options selected on previous pages. Click the Create user button to continue.

The last page has a button to Download .csv, click it and download the file. Back over in Visual Studio on the AWS Getting Started page click the Import from csv file.

Browse and select the csv download above. Then click the Save and Close button on the AWS Getting Started page. After that is complete you should see the AWS Explorer window.

Sign up for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

If you notice in the AWS Explorer screenshot above the Please sign up for this service under AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Double click the Please sign up for this service it will open a new browser window. On this window click the Get started with AWS Elastic Beanstalk button.

The next page will prompt for payment information. After entering your information click the Secure Submit button. The next step is an automated phone call to verify that you who you say you are. The final step in signing up is to select your plan.

Select the Free plan to finish your sign up.

Publishing from Visual Studio

Now that sign up is complete hope back in Visual Studio and open the solution you want to publish. In the Solution Explorer window right-click on the project and click Publish to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

This will open the Publish to Amazon Web Services dialog. I just took the defaults since this is a new application and I don’t have any existing enviroments. Click the Next button to continue.

On the next screen, an Application Name and Environment Name are needed. Fill them in and click Next.

The next screen is where you can configure the type and size of the EC2 instance that will back your application. I used the defaults. As always click Next when ready.

The next screen allows you to configure permissions. You will never guess, but I used the defaults and clicked Next.

The next screen allows you to pick your project build configuration and framework to use. The defaults are set based your project so they should be right. Click the Finish button.

The final screen is to review all the options. If you are happy with everything click the Deploy button.

During deployment, I saw the following error in my output window.

Caught AmazonIdentityManagementServiceException whilst setting up role: User:myUser/CloudSampleBlog is not authorized to perform: iam:GetInstanceProfile on resource: instance profile aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
Caught Exception whilst setting up service role: User: myUser/CloudSampleBlog is not authorized to perform: iam:PutRolePolicy on resource: role aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role

This turned out to not really be an issue. I went to my Elastic Beanstalk Dashboard and the application was there and in the process of deploying. The whole process took around 5 minutes. Unlike with Google, I did have to find the URL in the dashboard instead of a browser being opened to the URL automatically.

Wrapping Up

Initial setup with AWS is much more complex than with Google. Redeployment was in the two-minute range which is much faster than what I saw with Google. Overall it seems that Elastic Beanstalk is on par with Google’s App Engine.

Don’t forget to shut down and/or delete your test project when you are finished to make sure you don’t get charged.

Deploying an ASP.NET Core Application to Amazon Web Services Read More »

Migration from ASP.NET Core 2.0 to 2.1

On May 30th .NET Core 2.1 was released including the corresponding version of ASP.NET Core 2.1 and Entity Framework Core 2.1. In this post, I will be taking one of the projects used in my ASP.NET Basics series and converting it from its current 2.0.x version into the newly released 2.1 version. The starting point for the code can be found here. This is all based on the official migration guide.

If you are looking at the sample solution it is the Contacts project that this post is going to be dealing with.


Thankfully the download page is much improved over the last time there was a release. Head here and to download and install the .NET Core 2.1 SDK. It is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. The link should drop you on the appropriate page for your OS.

After installation, open a command prompt and run the following command. If all worked well you should see version 2.1.300 listed.

dotnet --list-sdks

If you are on Windows make sure and install at least Visual Studio 2017 15.7.

Project File Changes

Right-click on the project and select Edit {projectName}.csproj from the menu.

First, change the TargetFramework to netcoreappp2.1.



The other required changes it to move away from the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All package to the version-less Microsoft.AspNetCore.App package.

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.All" Version="2.0.0" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />

I did a bit more digging and it turns out that the project file can be greatly simplified from the version I had for this application. The following is the full project file will all the bits that were not required removed and the two changes above already made.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.1.0" PrivateAssets="All" />
    <PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="1.0.0" />


Main Changes

There have been changes to how what the Main function looks like to better allow for integration tests. This is the original code in the Program.cs file.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>

And the following is the new version.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>

Startup Changes

Startup.cs has one change that is required which is the removal of the following line from the Configure function.


In the ConfigureServices function if you want to use the new features in 2.1 change the services.AddMvc() to set the compatibility version. This allows you to upgrade the version of the SDK without having to change your whole application since you have to opt into the version you want to target.



If you check out the official migration guide they also point out how to enable a couple more features such as HTTPS and some things to help with GDPR. Neither of these is needed in this application so I’m skipping them in this guide.

Identity Changes

I had to make one change in ManageLogins.cshtml to get my project to build because of a rename/removal AuthenticationScheme to DisplayName.

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="provider" value="@provider.AuthenticationScheme" title="Log in using your @provider.DisplayName account">@provider.AuthenticationScheme</button>

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="provider" value="@provider.DisplayName" title="Log in using your @provider.DisplayName account">@provider.DisplayName</button>

If you haven’t made many changes to the identity code in your project you might consider using the new identity razor class library. You can find the details here.

Wrapping Up

Migrations between versions of ASP.NET Core have gotten easier over time as you can tell by the smaller length of these posts. One thing to note is while this will get you targeting 2.1 with all the performance benefits and access to a lot of the new features there will still be work needed if you want to do everything the new 2.1 style. I highly recommend creating a new 2.1 application to get a feel for the other changes you might want to make to your existing applications.

The code with all the changes can be found here. Remember that the only project that was upgraded was the Contacts project.

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Electron.NET: Save Dialog & File Writing

This post is another expansion of my Electron.NET sample to show how to prompt the user with a save dialog and write a file to disk. The sample code before any changes can be found here. As with all the posts I have done on Electron.NET the API Demos repo helped out a lot.

For this example, we will be adding an export button to the contact detail page that will export the contact as JSON.

Dialog Controller

Following how the API Demo is setup I added a DialogController with the following code.

public class DialogsController : Controller
    private static bool saveAdded;

    public IActionResult Index()
        if (!HybridSupport.IsElectronActive || saveAdded) return Ok();

        Electron.IpcMain.On("save-dialog", async (args) =>
            var mainWindow = Electron.WindowManager.BrowserWindows.First();
            var options = new SaveDialogOptions
                Title = "Save contact as JSON",
                Filters = new FileFilter[]
                    new FileFilter { Name = "JSON", 
                                     Extensions = new string[] {"json" } }

            var result = await 
                  Electron.Dialog.ShowSaveDialogAsync(mainWindow, options);
            Electron.IpcMain.Send(mainWindow, "save-dialog-reply", result);

        saveAdded = true;

        return Ok();

The setup above tells Electron when it receives a save-dialog request to show the operating system’s save dialog with the options specified. When the user completes the dialog interaction then it is set up so Electron will send out a save-dialog-reply message so anything listing can act on the user’s selection.

The bits with saveAdded is to work around an issue I was having with the dialog being shown multiple times. There is something off about my setup that I haven’t had time to track down, but I felt like even with this one querk this post is still valuable.

Next, I added the following import to the _Layout.cshtml file.

<link rel="import" href="Dialogs">

As I am writing this I am wondering if this could be the cause of my multiple dialog issues? Maybe this should just be on the contact detail page?

Contact Detail Page Changes

The rest of the changes are in the Views/Contacts/Details.cshtml. The first thing I did was add a new div and button at the bottom of the page. Based on the look of the existing page it isn’t the prettiest looking thing, but the look of the UI isn’t really the point of this post. Here is the code for the new div. Make note that the button has a specific ID.

    <button id="save-dialog" class="btn">Export</button>

Finally, the following script section was added.

        const { ipcRenderer } = require("electron");
        const fs = require('fs');
        var model = '@Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(@Model))';

                .addEventListener("click", () => {

        ipcRenderer.on("save-dialog-reply", (sender, path) => {
            if (!path) return;

            fs.writeFile(path, model, function (err) {

On the server side, the model is converted to JSON and stored which will be used when writing the file. If anyone has a better way of doing this part I would love to hear about it in the comments. I’m referring to this bit of code.

var model = '@Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(@Model))';

Next, a click event is added to the export button which when fired sends a message to show the save dialog defined in the controller.

        .addEventListener("click", () => {

Finally, a callback is added for the message that the user has finished with the dialog that was shown.

ipcRenderer.on("save-dialog-reply", (sender, path) => {
    if (!path) return;

    fs.writeFile(path, model, function (err) {

In the callback, if the user entered a path then the JSON for the model is written to the selected path.

Wrapping Up

While writing a contact to JSON might not be the most useful thing in the world the same idea could be used to with the information to a vCard file.

After working on this example I finally feel like I am getting a better hold on how Electron is working. Hopefully, this series is helping you feel the same. The completed code can be found here.

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Pass ASP.NET Core Appsettings Values to Angular via an API Call

There have been a few issues opened on the repo I have showing usage of Angular, Identity Server 4, and ASP.NET Core together that related to incompatibilities with the newer versions of Angular. In an effort to fix this issue the plan was to recreate the client application using the new Angular template from Microsoft which from what I read should address the issue.

The code before any changes can be found here, but in this case, the whole client application has been recreated so the starting point may not be super helpful.

The Problem

For the most part, this worked well, but the problem can when I needed to use some configuration values from ASP.NET Core in my new Angular application. The previous versions of the template used server-side rendering which I utilized to pass the configuration values. The new template doesn’t use server-side rendering by default and I wanted to find a way to solve the issue without requiring server-side rendering.

The other issue is that I want to be able to run this application in Azure and set the configuration values as environment variables. While Angular seems to have support for environment files finding a solution that used a systems environment variables turned out too not be simple.

Configuration API Endpoint

Since the configuration values I need to get to the client application are secret I decided to go the route of pulling them via an API call back to the same ASP.NET Core application that is hosting the Angular Application, which is the Client App project in the sample solution.

I added a ConfigurationController.cs class to the Controller directory with the following contents.

public class ConfigurationController : Controller
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public ConfigurationController(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;

    public IActionResult ConfigurationData()
        return Ok(new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "IdentityServerAddress", _configuration["IdentityServerAddress"] },
            { "ApiAddress", _configuration["ApiAddress"] }

This controller gets constructed with a reference to the application’s configuration which is then used to populate a dictionary with the values my Angular application needs. For completeness, the following is the contents of the application’s appsettings.json file.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "IdentityServerAddress": "http://localhost:5000",
  "ApiAddress": "http://localhost:5001/api/"

Angular Changes

This is the part that I really struggled to get right. I needed the configuration values from the API above to be available as soon as possible. Thankfully I came across this blog post by Juri Strumpflohner which covers using Angular’s APP_INITIALIZER.

The first thing I need was to create a class in Angular to get the configuration values from the API and serve to them the rest of the Angular application. To do this I added a configuration.service.ts into a new ClientApp/src/app/configuration directory. The full class follows.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export class ConfigurationService {

  private configuration: IServerConfiguration;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  loadConfig() {
    return this.http.get<IServerConfiguration>('/api/Configuration/ConfigurationData')
      .then(result => {
        this.configuration = <IServerConfiguration>(result);
      }, error => console.error(error));

  get apiAddress() {
    return this.configuration.ApiAddress;

  get identityServerAddress() {
    return this.configuration.IdentityServerAddress;


export interface IServerConfiguration {
  ApiAddress: string;
  IdentityServerAddress: string;

This class hits the API to get the configuration values in the loadConfig function and maps it to a class level field. It also provides properties to get the individual configuration values.

As I mentioned above, getting the application to get these configuration values in a timely matter was something I really struggled to do. The first step to using Angular’s APP_INITIALIZER to solve this issue is to change the import from @angular/core to include APP_INITIALIZER and to import the ConfigurationService.  All these changes are being made in the app.module.ts file.

import { NgModule, APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';
import { ConfigurationService } from "./configuration/configuration.service";

Next, we need to define a function that will call the ConfigurationService.loadConfig function.

const appInitializerFn = (appConfig: ConfigurationService) => {
  return () => {
    return appConfig.loadConfig();

Finally, in the providers array add an element for the APP_INITIALIZER and the ConfigurationService.

providers: [
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
    useFactory: appInitializerFn,
    multi: true,
    deps: [ConfigurationService]

 Wrapping Up

This is one of those things that turned out to be way more complicated than I expected. Thankfully with the above changes, I was able to get it working. I hope this saves you all some time. The code with all the changes can be found here.

Pass ASP.NET Core Appsettings Values to Angular via an API Call Read More »

Electron.NET: Tray Icon

This post is a continuation of my exploration of Electron.NET which started with this post. Today I’m going to take the existing sample project and expand it to include a tray icon. As with the post on customizing the application level menus, this post relied heavily on the Electon.NET API Demos repo.

Add an Icon

The first step I took was to find an icon I wanted to show in the tray area. Since this is just a sample application I didn’t spend a lot of time on this. Once you have your icon it needs to be added to your project. Following the example, in the API Demo, I add an Assets directory to the top level of the project and copied in my Stock-Person.png file. This directory and file need to end up in the output of the builds which can be done by adding the following to the csproj file.

  <None Update="Assets\Stock-Person.png">

In Visual Studio this can be done via the UI, but since I am sticking to VS Code for this project I did the edit manually.

Tray Controller

Add a TrayController to the Controllers directory which will be used to hold all the code needed to add the tray icon. The following is the full class.

public class TrayController : Controller
    public IActionResult Index()
        if (!HybridSupport.IsElectronActive ||
            Electron.Tray.MenuItems.Count != 0)
            return Ok();

        var menu = new MenuItem[] {
            new MenuItem 
          Label = "Create Contact", 
          Click = () => Electron
            new MenuItem 
          Label = "Remove", 
          Click = () => Electron.Tray.Destroy()

        Electron.Tray.Show("/Assets/Stock-Person.png", menu);
        Electron.Tray.SetToolTip("Contact Management");

        return Ok();

Most of the code above is dealing with building an array of MenuItem which will be options when right-clicking the tray icon. In this case of this sample, there will be two menu items one for creating a contact and the other to remove the tray icon.

Electron.Tray.Show is the bit that actually shows the tray icon and it takes a path for the icon to display and the menu items to show. The last bit is a call to Electron.Tray.SetToolTip which, not surprisingly, sets the tooltip on the tray icon.

Include the tray icon

The final change is to make sure the code to show the tray icon gets run when the application starts. Open the _Layout.cshtml file in the Views/Shared directory. In the head tag add the following which will cause the application to call the Index action on the TrayController.

<link rel="import" href="Tray">

Wrapping Up

As with everything I have tried so far, Electon.NET makes it easy to add a tray icon to your applications. If you are a .NET developer so far I haven’t found any downsides to using Electron.NET. If you have hit any walls with this tool leave a comment. The finished code for this post can be found here.

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