After getting Basic Authentication and Authorization working I thought it would be neat to add login via Google which involves using OAuth 2.0. To get started I used NuGet to update all the OWIN related packages in my project. I ran across some people who had issues with older versions of OWIN so I recommend getting the latest to avoid any potential problems.
Some third parties require SSL when using their auth services so I decided to go a head and change my application to use SSL. I hit a couple of issues during this part of the process that I want to point out. The first is that when you change to SSL IIS Express defaults to using port 44300. I missed this the first try and it took a good bit of searching before I spotted the problem. Even after reverting all my changes I could not get my site to load without errors. A reboot got my reverted site working which I am assuming was a configuration issue with IIS Express that got reset on reboot.
To enable SSL select the project in Solution Explorer and press F4 to bring up the properties window (which has different options that the project properties you get if you right-click the project and click properties). Set the SSL Enabled property to true. Copy the SSL URL to use when updating the project.
Back in the Solution Explorer right-click on the project and click properties. On the Web tab under the Servers section paste the SSL URL from above into the Project Url and save.
When running the first time after enabling SSL Visual Studio will prompt asking if you would like to trust the self-signed certificate that IIS Express generated. I chose to trust in order to avoid warnings from the browser.
The last change need in the project is in the Statup.Auth.cs found in the App_Start folder. In the ConfigureAuth function add the following code using your own ClientId and ClientSecret.
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions() { ClientId = "Your Client ID", ClientSecret = "Your Client Secret" });
If you don’t have a client ID and client secret head to the Google Developers Console. The first step in the process is to Click the Create Project button.
Enter a project name and project ID. The refresh button on the project ID field will randomly generate project IDs in case the one you want is already in use. When finished click Create.
After the project creation process finishes click on the name of your project. Next click on the APIs & auth section and then click the Consent screen option. This set of options determines what the user sees when Google prompts a user for consent to use information from their Google account. The minimum needed is email address and product name. For a live application I would recommend filling out as much as possible to give the user the best experience. When done click Save.
In the same APIs & auth section click the APIs option. Search for Google+ API. Click the name Google+ API and on the next screen click Enable API.
Again in the APIs & auth section click on Credentials option and then in the OAuth section fo the page click Create new Client ID.
The following dialog will show. Select the appropriate Application type which is Web application for this example. For Authorized JavaScript origins use the value from Project Url listed above which in my case is https://localhost:44300/. For Authorized redirect URIs the base URI is the same but with an added level. For MVC 5 the redirect should be set to https://localhost:44300/signin-google changing the base URI as needed of course. Click Create Client ID and you will be returned to the previous page that will now list the Client ID and Client Secret needed in Statup.Auth.cs.
Now the login page will have a button for Google which will allow users to create an account and associate it with their Google account. After the association users will be able to login with their Google account.
From this point adding Microsoft, Facebook or Twitter would just be a matter of adding the desired options to ConfigureAuth Startup.Auth.cs and going to each service and requesting API access.