Basic Authentication and Authorization

When I created my contact application I did so with authentication set to Individual User Accounts as seen below.


By choosing an authentication option during project creation Visual Studio takes care of a lot of the work involved with getting authentication and authorization up and running. For individual user accounts the default data store is SQL and Visual Studio sets up the need classes and data using entity framework to create a database and the needed tables to store authentication data. An AccountController and associated views are also created to handle user creation and login.

I am not going to cover everything that Visual Studio created automatically. I will be walking you through the other changes are needed to start using authentication and authorization with all the bits Visual Studio has provided.

The first step is to add AuthorizeAttribute to the FilterConfig which is found in the App_Start folder.

public class FilterConfig
    public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
        filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
        filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());

Now that the AuthorizeAttribute is added to the applications filters any page that is requested by a user that is not authorized will be redirected to a login page to authenticate.

With authorization and authentication now in play any controller action that should allow anonymous usage will need to have the AllowAnonymous attribute added. The following example is using AllowAnonymous on the index action of the home controller.

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

That is all there is to get the very basics going. This is a big subject, but Visual Studio and .Net do a lot of work to make getting basics up and going simple.

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